Cannot bundle Windows EXE icon (SOLVED)

Trying to bundle for windows with bob, I get this (and no changed EXE icon):

Error - 5 icon(s) not replaced in /Users/da_petcu21/Work/icon-test/meow/icon-test/icontest.exe using /Users/da_petcu21/Work/icon-test/AppIcon.ico

Here’s the icons I used: (198.6 KB)

I tried using the sizes listed here, but it made no difference:

Try saving an .ico with this software with this version (it’s free) and setting disabled. The no compress Win Vista is the important part.

These sizes

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It seems to have worked now with that option unchecked. Thanks a lot!

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Doesn’t this service provide a working .ico file?

I haven’t tried with that service. I generated my ico with, then added the 8-bit versions with IcoFX. It worked after unchecking “Compress images for Windows Vista”.

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