Bundle on iOS gives error with TexturePacker plugin

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
Very new user to Defold here! So apologies if this is the wrong section (also ages I haven’t been posting on a forum lol)

So I go a mobile project running fine when doing Project->Build

But when trying to do a bundle for iOS I get an error as soon as I include the texture packer extension (https://github.com/defold/extension-texturepacker/archive/main.zip)

The error in question is this one:
‘com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3$Builder com.dynamo.bob.pipeline.tp.AtlasBuilder.getSrcBuilder(com.dynamo.bob.fs.IResource)’

Any clues?

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Hi @Alessio_Perrotti and welcome!

It’d be good to read more about the error, as that single line doesn’t say much.

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That seems to be the only error generated? Unless I’m missing something ><

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Could you please share two things:

  1. Editor log: Editor overview
  2. Build log: build/arm64-ios/log.txt

This is from the Editor log:

2024-09-10 17:46:18.474 2516302 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO editor.defold-project - {:line 346, :message “Cached written save data in system cache.”, :total 125, :retained 68, :unretained 57, :limit 20000}
2024-09-10 17:46:18.496 2516324 [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-26] INFO editor.pipeline.bob - {:line 229, :bob-command “java -jar bob.jar --build-report-html “/Users/alessioperrotti/Desktop/Defold Bundle iOS/arm64-ios/report.html” --architectures arm64-ios --mobileprovisioning /Users/alessioperrotti/Downloads/Defold_Profile.mobileprovision --build-server https://build.defold.com --archive true --identity “Apple Development: Alessio Perrotti (BKC8TDMT4V)” --texture-compression true --bundle-output “/Users/alessioperrotti/Desktop/Defold Bundle iOS/arm64-ios” --platform arm64-ios --variant debug --defoldsdk 691478c02875b80e76da65d2f5756394e7a906b1 distclean build bundle”}

And this the build log:
log.txt (3.5 KB)

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It seems like you’re using the latest Texture Packer extension, which includes changes for version 1.9.3, with Defold versions earlier than 1.9.3.
We always recommend using a version reference instead of main.zip.


Thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

I updated Defold to latest and replaced TP dependency link to this

But still same error ><

What the latest Defold? What version it is?

We don’t have “latest” version because we have channels and every channel has its own “latest”.

I’ve just checked 1.9.3 Beta with Texture Packer extension 1.3 and it works fine.
If you use Defold 1.9.2 you should use Texture Packer extension 1.2

I updated form the bottom-right corner… but now that I checked it says still version 1.9.2

For me TP works fine when building the project. The error occurs when doing a bundle for iOS.

This is exactly what I’ve tested.
As I said:

Just tried a bundle using Defold 1.9.2 and TP 1.2. Getting this error now

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing extension in name ‘’

I’ve just tested 1.9.2 with Texture Packer extension 1.2 and this combination works as well.
Please make sure you pasted right link if so, maybe try to restart the editor

Thank you, I will try few things …

Btw, the bundle folder can reside in any location? Also outside the project folder?

Now getting this error:
RuntimeException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Users/alessioperrotti/MobileGameGUI/build/plugins/texturepacker/plugins/share/pluginTexturePackerExt.jar

Have the feeling I’m missing something ><

This is the link to the TP dependency

What is your target folder for bundle?
It seems like you have picked ‘build’ folder in the project folder as a target folder for bundle.

‘build’ folder is an internal folder used by the editor and budler. This last error you posted indicates that you have removed that folder while the editor is working or overrides it by picking this folder as a bundle target folder