Build server maintenance for 1.8.0

I’ll be doing some build server maintenance now.
It shouldn’t take more than 10-20 minutes.
In the meantime, you can use


The live server has now been updated to the latest version (ac4097a7fe9495a7b9f25126e045ed4914a721e1) and is now up and running again.

1 Like

I am not usre what is happened and it this is relevant to this?

I have strange errors in my game. This game was worked yesterday in evening.

	illumination.lights_init(128, 8, 8, 8, 64)
{ --[[000002C3BD3FA320]]
  fill_stream_uint8 = function: 0x02c3bd3fa450,
  frustum_is_box_visible = function: 0x02c3bd3fa4d0,
  float_to_rgba = function: 0x02c3bd3fa3e0
ERROR:SCRIPT: illumination/illumination.lua:236: attempt to call field 'lights_init' (a nil value)
stack traceback:


#define EXTENSION_NAME Illumination
#define LIB_NAME "Illumination"
#define MODULE_NAME "illumination"

#include <dmsdk/sdk.h>

#include "utils.h"
#include "frustum_cull.h"
#include "lights.h"

using namespace IlluminationLights;

namespace IlluminationLights {
    LightsManager g_lightsManager;

static int FloatToRGBALua(lua_State* L){
    check_arg_count(L, 3);
    float value = lua_tonumber(L,1);
    float min = lua_tonumber(L,2);
    float max = lua_tonumber(L,3);
    if (value < min) return DM_LUA_ERROR("value < min");
    if (value > max) return DM_LUA_ERROR("value > max");
    if (min >= max) return DM_LUA_ERROR("min >= max");

    dmVMath::Vector4 vec4 = EncodeFloatRGBA(value,min,max);

    return 4;

static int FillStreamUint8(lua_State* L){
     check_arg_count(L, 5);
    int index = lua_tonumber(L,1)-1; //c array start from 0
    if (index<0){
        return DM_LUA_ERROR("index is <0")
    dmBuffer::HBuffer buffer = dmScript::CheckBufferUnpack(L, 2);
    dmhash_t streamName = dmScript::CheckHashOrString(L,3);
    int componentsSize = lua_tonumber(L,4);
    if (!lua_istable(L, 5)) {
         return DM_LUA_ERROR("data not table");

    uint8_t* values = 0x0;
    uint32_t sizeBuffer = 0;
    uint32_t components = 0;
    uint32_t stride = 0;
    dmBuffer::Result dataResult = dmBuffer::GetStream(buffer, streamName, (void**)&values, &sizeBuffer, &components, &stride);
    if (dataResult != dmBuffer::RESULT_OK) {
       return DM_LUA_ERROR("can't get stream");

    if (components!=componentsSize){
         return DM_LUA_ERROR("stream have: %d components. Need %d", components, componentsSize);

    int size = luaL_getn(L, 5);
    if (size % components != 0){
      return DM_LUA_ERROR("bad size:%d", size);
    if (index + size/components>=sizeBuffer){
        return DM_LUA_ERROR("buffer not enough size");

    values += index * stride;

    for (int i=0; i<size/components; ++i) {
        for (int j=0;j<components;++j){
            lua_rawgeti(L, 5, i*components+j+1);
            values[j] = lua_tonumber(L,-1)*255.0;
        values += stride;
    return 0;

static int FrustumIsBoxVisibleLua(lua_State* L){
    check_arg_count(L, 7);
    dmVMath::Matrix4* m = dmScript::CheckMatrix4(L, 1);
    dmVMath::Vector3 min(luaL_checknumber(L, 2),luaL_checknumber(L, 3),luaL_checknumber(L, 4));
    dmVMath::Vector3 max(luaL_checknumber(L, 5),luaL_checknumber(L, 6),luaL_checknumber(L, 7));

    Frustum frustum = Frustum(*m);

    const bool visible = frustum.IsBoxVisible(min, max);

    lua_pushboolean(L, visible);
    return 1;

// Functions exposed to Lua
static const luaL_reg Module_methods[] = {
   // {"float_to_rgba", FloatToRGBALua},
    {"lights_init", LuaLightsManagerInit},
    {"lights_get_texture_path", LuaLightsManagerGetTexturePath},
    {"lights_set_texture_path", LuaLightsManagerSetTexturePath},
    {"lights_set_frustum", LuaLightsManagerSetFrustumMatrix},
    {"lights_set_view", LuaLightsManagerSetViewMatrix},
    {"lights_set_camera_fov", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraFov},
    {"lights_set_camera_far", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraFar},
    {"lights_set_camera_near", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraNear},
    {"lights_set_camera_aspect", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraAspect},
    {"lights_get_texture_size", LuaLightsManagerGetTextureSize},
    {"lights_get_max_lights", LuaLightsManagerGetMaxLights},
    {"lights_get_max_radius", LuaLightsManagerGetMaxRadius},
    {"lights_get_borders_x", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersX},
    {"lights_get_borders_y", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersY},
    {"lights_get_borders_z", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersZ},
    {"lights_get_x_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetXSlice},
    {"lights_get_y_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetYSlice},
    {"lights_get_z_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetZSlice},
    {"lights_get_lights_per_cluster", LuaLightsManagerGetLightsPerCluster},
    {"lights_update", LuaLightsManagerUpdateLights},
    {"light_create", LuaLightsManagerCreateLight},
    {"light_destroy", LuaLightsManagerDestroyLight},
    {"lights_get_all_count", LuaLightsManagerGetInWorldCount},
    {"lights_get_visible_count", LuaLightsManagerGetInWorldVisibleCount},
    {0, 0}


static void LuaInit(lua_State *L) {
    int top = lua_gettop(L);
    luaL_register(L, MODULE_NAME, Module_methods);
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    assert(top == lua_gettop(L));
    dmLogInfo("test 1");
    dmLogInfo("test 1 end");

static dmExtension::Result AppInitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }
static dmExtension::Result InitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params *params) {
    // Init Lua
    printf("Registered %s Extension\n", MODULE_NAME);
    return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;

static dmExtension::Result AppFinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }

static dmExtension::Result FinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }

DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION(EXTENSION_NAME, LIB_NAME, AppInitializeMyExtension, AppFinalizeMyExtension, InitializeMyExtension, 0, 0, FinalizeMyExtension)

It is interesting that i add some logs and remove " float_to_rgba"
But after build i don’t get chages

{ --[[0000023DEAFFA300]]
  float_to_rgba = function: 0x023deaffa3c0,
  fill_stream_uint8 = function: 0x023deaffa430,
  frustum_is_box_visible = function: 0x023deaffa4b0
Registered utf8 Extension
Registered android_toast Extension
Registered lua_script_instance Extension
Registered illumination Extension
Registered game Extension

log.txt (125.9 KB)

I don’t see any errors in that log.

But after build i don’t get chages

Are you sure it is in fact rebuilding? Are there different timestamps on your exe in your build folder?
Are you testing the same version?

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I test this in 1.7.0
In editor. I try build and rebuild

First build i comment line.
Second build i change function name to not existed function.

No sure what happened. Server return cache? editor upload not last changes?

Editor 1476f3bbafbf090e2041bce0722255ac51decdcf
Engine bf4dc66ab5fbbafd4294d32c2797c08b630c0be5 (56.5 KB)
This is lib file from build folder

This is same ne but from another game (211.9 KB)

Tryed bob same problem.
I add you to my game. Please take a look.
This problem is blocking me :sob:

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Ok, let’s start from the beginning. What are you trying to build? A project with a native extension? Which one? Can I try to build it? You’re using Windows right? And building for Windows? Using bob.jar or the editor? Have you tried deleting the build folder and .internal/cache?

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Thanks. I think i find problem, testing new build
I have 2 native extensions with same name. I have no ideas how this worked before) :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Is it possible to add warning/error for such situations?

Not sure. Maybe. You can add a feature request to defold/extender, but I don’t think we’ll give it a very high priority at the moment at least.

Heh, that was what I was beginning to suspect.

I think it should be possible in theory, as we collect the names and put them into an initialization function.
However, I recently did have to remove duplicates there recently (for a reason I don’t rully recall). But, in short, yes, it should be possible.