I’ll be doing some build server maintenance now.
It shouldn’t take more than 10-20 minutes.
In the meantime, you can use https://build-stage.defold.com
The live server has now been updated to the latest version (ac4097a7fe9495a7b9f25126e045ed4914a721e1
) and is now up and running again.
I am not usre what is happened and it this is relevant to this?
I have strange errors in my game. This game was worked yesterday in evening.
illumination.lights_init(128, 8, 8, 8, 64)
{ --[[000002C3BD3FA320]]
fill_stream_uint8 = function: 0x02c3bd3fa450,
frustum_is_box_visible = function: 0x02c3bd3fa4d0,
float_to_rgba = function: 0x02c3bd3fa3e0
ERROR:SCRIPT: illumination/illumination.lua:236: attempt to call field 'lights_init' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
#define EXTENSION_NAME Illumination
#define LIB_NAME "Illumination"
#define MODULE_NAME "illumination"
#include <dmsdk/sdk.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "frustum_cull.h"
#include "lights.h"
using namespace IlluminationLights;
namespace IlluminationLights {
LightsManager g_lightsManager;
static int FloatToRGBALua(lua_State* L){
check_arg_count(L, 3);
float value = lua_tonumber(L,1);
float min = lua_tonumber(L,2);
float max = lua_tonumber(L,3);
if (value < min) return DM_LUA_ERROR("value < min");
if (value > max) return DM_LUA_ERROR("value > max");
if (min >= max) return DM_LUA_ERROR("min >= max");
dmVMath::Vector4 vec4 = EncodeFloatRGBA(value,min,max);
return 4;
static int FillStreamUint8(lua_State* L){
check_arg_count(L, 5);
int index = lua_tonumber(L,1)-1; //c array start from 0
if (index<0){
return DM_LUA_ERROR("index is <0")
dmBuffer::HBuffer buffer = dmScript::CheckBufferUnpack(L, 2);
dmhash_t streamName = dmScript::CheckHashOrString(L,3);
int componentsSize = lua_tonumber(L,4);
if (!lua_istable(L, 5)) {
return DM_LUA_ERROR("data not table");
uint8_t* values = 0x0;
uint32_t sizeBuffer = 0;
uint32_t components = 0;
uint32_t stride = 0;
dmBuffer::Result dataResult = dmBuffer::GetStream(buffer, streamName, (void**)&values, &sizeBuffer, &components, &stride);
if (dataResult != dmBuffer::RESULT_OK) {
return DM_LUA_ERROR("can't get stream");
if (components!=componentsSize){
return DM_LUA_ERROR("stream have: %d components. Need %d", components, componentsSize);
int size = luaL_getn(L, 5);
if (size % components != 0){
return DM_LUA_ERROR("bad size:%d", size);
if (index + size/components>=sizeBuffer){
return DM_LUA_ERROR("buffer not enough size");
values += index * stride;
for (int i=0; i<size/components; ++i) {
for (int j=0;j<components;++j){
lua_rawgeti(L, 5, i*components+j+1);
values[j] = lua_tonumber(L,-1)*255.0;
values += stride;
return 0;
static int FrustumIsBoxVisibleLua(lua_State* L){
check_arg_count(L, 7);
dmVMath::Matrix4* m = dmScript::CheckMatrix4(L, 1);
dmVMath::Vector3 min(luaL_checknumber(L, 2),luaL_checknumber(L, 3),luaL_checknumber(L, 4));
dmVMath::Vector3 max(luaL_checknumber(L, 5),luaL_checknumber(L, 6),luaL_checknumber(L, 7));
Frustum frustum = Frustum(*m);
const bool visible = frustum.IsBoxVisible(min, max);
lua_pushboolean(L, visible);
return 1;
// Functions exposed to Lua
static const luaL_reg Module_methods[] = {
// {"float_to_rgba", FloatToRGBALua},
{"lights_init", LuaLightsManagerInit},
{"lights_get_texture_path", LuaLightsManagerGetTexturePath},
{"lights_set_texture_path", LuaLightsManagerSetTexturePath},
{"lights_set_frustum", LuaLightsManagerSetFrustumMatrix},
{"lights_set_view", LuaLightsManagerSetViewMatrix},
{"lights_set_camera_fov", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraFov},
{"lights_set_camera_far", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraFar},
{"lights_set_camera_near", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraNear},
{"lights_set_camera_aspect", LuaLightsManagerSetCameraAspect},
{"lights_get_texture_size", LuaLightsManagerGetTextureSize},
{"lights_get_max_lights", LuaLightsManagerGetMaxLights},
{"lights_get_max_radius", LuaLightsManagerGetMaxRadius},
{"lights_get_borders_x", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersX},
{"lights_get_borders_y", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersY},
{"lights_get_borders_z", LuaLightsManagerGetBordersZ},
{"lights_get_x_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetXSlice},
{"lights_get_y_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetYSlice},
{"lights_get_z_slice", LuaLightsManagerGetZSlice},
{"lights_get_lights_per_cluster", LuaLightsManagerGetLightsPerCluster},
{"lights_update", LuaLightsManagerUpdateLights},
{"light_create", LuaLightsManagerCreateLight},
{"light_destroy", LuaLightsManagerDestroyLight},
{"lights_get_all_count", LuaLightsManagerGetInWorldCount},
{"lights_get_visible_count", LuaLightsManagerGetInWorldVisibleCount},
{0, 0}
static void LuaInit(lua_State *L) {
int top = lua_gettop(L);
luaL_register(L, MODULE_NAME, Module_methods);
lua_pop(L, 1);
assert(top == lua_gettop(L));
dmLogInfo("test 1");
dmLogInfo("test 1 end");
static dmExtension::Result AppInitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }
static dmExtension::Result InitializeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params *params) {
// Init Lua
printf("Registered %s Extension\n", MODULE_NAME);
return dmExtension::RESULT_OK;
static dmExtension::Result AppFinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::AppParams *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }
static dmExtension::Result FinalizeMyExtension(dmExtension::Params *params) { return dmExtension::RESULT_OK; }
DM_DECLARE_EXTENSION(EXTENSION_NAME, LIB_NAME, AppInitializeMyExtension, AppFinalizeMyExtension, InitializeMyExtension, 0, 0, FinalizeMyExtension)
It is interesting that i add some logs and remove " float_to_rgba"
But after build i don’t get chages
{ --[[0000023DEAFFA300]]
float_to_rgba = function: 0x023deaffa3c0,
fill_stream_uint8 = function: 0x023deaffa430,
frustum_is_box_visible = function: 0x023deaffa4b0
Registered utf8 Extension
Registered android_toast Extension
Registered lua_script_instance Extension
Registered illumination Extension
Registered game Extension
I don’t see any errors in that log.
But after build i don’t get chages
Are you sure it is in fact rebuilding? Are there different timestamps on your exe in your build folder?
Are you testing the same version?
I test this in 1.7.0
In editor. I try build and rebuild
First build i comment line.
Second build i change function name to not existed function.
No sure what happened. Server return cache? editor upload not last changes?
Editor 1476f3bbafbf090e2041bce0722255ac51decdcf
Engine bf4dc66ab5fbbafd4294d32c2797c08b630c0be5
Tryed bob same problem.
I add you to my game. Please take a look.
This problem is blocking me
Ok, let’s start from the beginning. What are you trying to build? A project with a native extension? Which one? Can I try to build it? You’re using Windows right? And building for Windows? Using bob.jar or the editor? Have you tried deleting the build folder and .internal/cache?
Thanks. I think i find problem, testing new build
I have 2 native extensions with same name. I have no ideas how this worked before)
Is it possible to add warning/error for such situations?
Not sure. Maybe. You can add a feature request to defold/extender, but I don’t think we’ll give it a very high priority at the moment at least.
Heh, that was what I was beginning to suspect.
I think it should be possible in theory, as we collect the names and put them into an initialization function.
However, I recently did have to remove duplicates there recently (for a reason I don’t rully recall). But, in short, yes, it should be possible.