Bore blasters

Looks great, wishlisted!


Thanks for the support everybody! Iā€™m super excited about this game. Iā€™ve taken a lot of what Iā€™ve learned from Void Scrappers, and applied it to something that isnā€™t quite so close to the Vampire Survivors formula. Wasnā€™t sure I would be able to pull it off, but I am very pleased with the game feel weā€™ve achieved so far. It feels very powerful and intense, which is just what we wanted.

Working with Defold :defold: remains fantastic, and I recommend the engine to anyone that asks. Thanks to everybody on the forums/Discord, thanks to everyone making extensions, and thanks to the Defold team!

If I may shill a bit furtherā€¦ :see_no_evil: We are so close to 100 followers on Steam! Maybe someone could push us over the edge! :eyes:







Thanks a lot everyone!

To celebrate, I have just donated $100 to Defold.

If you use and appreciate Defold, please consider donating (one-off and recurring donations are available).


Iā€™ve just posted an HTML5 demo of BORE BLASTERS!

Play now on your preferred site: BORE BLASTERS demo by 8BitSkull
Newgrounds: BORE BLASTERS demo

The game is very demanding and may sometimes perform poorly in browser (particularly if your run pops off!) so I am happy to announce that the Steam demo will follow soon, which will include a taste of the Campaign mode!

I would love to hear what you think! Ideas, suggestions, bug reports - everything is welcome.


The demo is live now on Steam!

It includes a first look at the narrative in Campaign Mode. Progression will be saved for the full version!

Please let me know if you experience any issues or if you have any ideas.


Amazing, well done! Wishlisted! A minor thing I noticed was that I keep firing without pressing the mouse if I release the left mouse button during a tutorial popup and then press any key. Anyway, just a small thing.

Looking forward to the release!


Awesome! Well done, attention to details, very addictive! :tada:

I tried the demo mode on Steam Deck, everything works great out of the box :ok_hand:. From what I feel your games are getting better and better. :clap:


Wow! This is superb. I play the game with xbox x controller and it is a huge joy. Not a big deal but I had to assign L1 and R1 for fire(default assigned R-L buttons doesnā€™t work for me ).
Beautiful art, even level selection is super great, great tutorials and campaign, very well balanced. Nothing more to say, new hit is coming :smiley: Canā€™t wait to play the full version.

Same with controller


@einar , @astrochili , @selimanac - thank you so much for your lovely comments!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It really means a lot.

Really appreciate the feedback as well!

These will be fixed in the next build!

I will try to add more default bindings to hopefully address this too!

Thanks again Selim for the AABB extension, of course itā€™s being used here too. :slight_smile:


BORE BLASTERS is out in one week! :exploding_head:



BORE BLASTERS is landing in exactly 48 hours! :flushed:

If any of you buy the game (thank you) I would also kindly ask that you leave a review as soon as possible. A huge factor for launch success is time taken to reach 10 reviews - every hour counts! Thanks so much to everyone from this amazing community!



Iā€™m curious in the first post (May 2023) you have it looking pretty good already. What have you been mostly working on for the past year. Iā€™m asking for true insight because I struggle to get a video of a game Iā€™m working on out as my graphics come last and I have no clue to how to get a game video nearly 1 year before release.

And congrats. Game looks fun. I added it to my wishlist.


Good question :sweat_smile:

Well, for a start, the art is contracted so I donā€™t have much to do with that, and it explains why it looks good from the start!

In May weā€™d laid the foundations for the core gameplay. We spent a good few additional months nailing that, and adding core content like various biomes, upgrades, enemies. We were also negotiating with a publisher (fell through) which took some time, and I was also doing some contract work here and there.

The past few months have been all about the narrative and the quest system.


One more question. Are those particle effects or animations when you blow up the tiles? How did you do that? Iā€™m making a tilemap based game as well and would like to have good effects as well based on tiles.

Iā€™ve created a module that allows me to spawn effects in the world. These can be either a sprite playing a flipbook or a particle effect. The module spawns a game object with the effect, lets it play once, then deletes the game object. For the blocks being destroyed itā€™s multiple effects, one flipbook animation of a little explosion, but also a particle effect of some dirt being spread around.


24 hours to go! Releasing at 2024-03-08T13:30:00Z!

Iā€™ve updated my splash screen to add a second stepā€¦ :defold:




Awesome! It would be nice to have a low-rez 8-bit version of the logo for such screens :slight_smile: