Big size font issue

When I create a very big font size (for example size 196), some characters are disappeared in GUI editor.

Font size 170:
I fill “ROBOT” in text filed, GUI editor displays “ROBOT”. :thumbsup:

Font size 196:
I fill “ROBOT” in text filed, but GUI editor displays “OBO” only. :thumbsdown:

We’re creating a texture of the font and I’m guessing that at font size 196 the texture becomes too big. You should look into using distance field fonts instead. Please read more about this here:

There is no difference between distance or bitmap font in GUI editor.
On real devices text are displayed, no issues. But in GUI editor when I select a big size font, some characters are missed.
I fill OROBOT in text filed, but GUI shows “OOBOT”. Means character “R” is missed.:thumbsdown:
On my iPhone I see “OROBOT”.:thumbsup:

When you changed to a distance field font did you the also reduce the size and scale the text node? The whole purpose of distance field fonts is that you can keep them relatively small and then scale them and retain nice crisp edges.

The issue you stumbled upon is a bug in the current editor, and it’s not anything we will solve. We just did a test in the new editor and it rendered the large bitmap font properly. If you wish to test the new editor (which is getting more production ready every day) please send @Ragnar_Svensson a PM.