Auto complete not working (SOLVED)

Hi, auto complete is not popping up automatically for me. To bring it up, ctrl-space works, but it is painful to have to do this every time.

It should pop up automatically with information on parameters and basic documentation.

Is there somewhere in preferences/settings I need to change?
Maybe it’s a version issue?
I am running:
Defold v1.2.96
Java v1.8.0
Mac OS X v10.11.1

Maybe I should hook up Atom and use that…


In the meantime, dapetcu21’s “defold-ide” for Atom works great: Lua autocomplete for Atom

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Hmm, odd. So nothing happens when you type go. in a .script file?

I think I’ve found the issue.
I restarted my machine and closed/quit all other tasks. I opened my Defold project and it works!
It looks to me that there was another task running that caused a conflict with Java.
Java wasn’t getting initialized when starting Defold.