My first test was to create a blank project with nothing else in it other than the music. There’s no crackling there, which I’d say is definitely a good thing.
I then took my main project and tried to strip it down as much as possible. I got it down from 400mb to 145mb. It would probably be possible to strip it down further, but so much breaks as you delete things that it gets to be a pain.
I then recorded a test video of the main menu, in 1.2.173 and 1.2.171. I let it play normally for about 40 seconds to hear crackling when nothing is happening at ~60 fps. I then intentionally wreck the fps (by launching another instance of Defold) to hear what that does. The result is that 1.2.173 has some stuttering (very minor, but still) at 60fps, but 1.2.171 does not. Both get completely ruined by a large drop in fps, but that’s probably not surprising.
The sound in the recordings is quite low, that’s my bad. I suggest you wait until the music starts playing, then turn up your volume so the sound is quite loud. Since the stutter is quite subtle in my tests you do need it quite loud.
00:32 - you will hear a skip at 00:33 and 00:37
00:50 - around this point I intentionally wreck the fps
00:45 - no skips until this point, when I intentionally wreck the fps
My results for 1.2.173 are much subtler than those of the person who reported the issue to me, so it seems like @Pkeod’s suggestion that it’s device dependent seems reasonable.
My specs: DxDiag.txt (125.1 KB)
Specs of initial report: DxDiag_reporter.txt (87.2 KB)
I can provide a copy of this scaled back test version, if that’s easiest?
Edit: Scaled back test here