Application crashes on the Android device

Hi everyone, application crashes on mobile with error:

INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /data/user/0/dev.stardust/files/_crash

# 0 pc      0x19b9c /system/lib/ <unknown>+0
# 1 pc      0x1d792 /system/lib/ abort+53
# 2 pc      0x1d9ff /system/lib/ __assert2+22
# 3 pc      0x69f90 ...bYu7O1snDA==/lib/arm/ _ZN5dmDDF11LoadMessageEPKvjPKNS_10DescriptorEPPvjPj+876
# 4 pc      0x69c18 ...bYu7O1snDA==/lib/arm/ _ZN5dmDDF11LoadMessageEPKvjPKNS_10DescriptorEPPv+20
# 5 pc      0xac54c ...bYu7O1snDA==/lib/arm/ _ZN12dmGameSystem17ResTexturePreloadERKN10dmResource21ResourcePreloadParamsE+36
# 6 pc      0x7882c ...bYu7O1snDA==/lib/arm/ _ZN11dmLoadQueueL10LoadThreadEPv+112
# 7 pc     0x1e3e38 ...bYu7O1snDA==/lib/arm/ _ZN8dmThreadL16ThreadStartProxyEPv+36
# 8 pc      0x65ad7 /system/lib/ _ZL15__pthread_startPv+22
# 9 pc      0x1e9ad /system/lib/ __start_thread+32

Can somebody advice, where I need to look to fix it?
Also could not find the Crashdump in the device.

Can you share the project where this happens? (You can email it to

Not sure, but it seems there was some issue with cache. After deleting everything in build directory the issue was gone.