I finally upgraded to Defold 1.2.174 last night (from 1.2.172)!
Had a bit of a rough start, since I had to hunt down Britzl’s post on converting an existing certificate into a keystore, but it wasn’t too difficult thanks to his shell script. I’m on Windows, but it worked great using Git Bash.
I then encountered crashes a second or two into the game launching, which turned out to be a known problem with DefVideoAds that was already fixed. Once I updated that, everything seems to run great.
Next up was upgrading extension-gpgs to 2.0.0, which was recently announced. No issues there, worked first try.
Finally I decided to try the latest DefReview, which added support for Android in-app reviews. Previously, I had a star button that would open a dialog asking the user to review, with a button that launched the Play Store page. The extension worked perfectly, and I really like the UX!
Many thanks to @AGulev for the great extensions!
I’m hoping to explore Instant Apps soon, but need to figure out what modifications are necessary to be compatible. UPDATE: Just skimmed the official Instant Play Games checklists, and this will be interesting… Seems worth it, but definitely requires some effort to meet their guidelines.