So I love defold and I have gotten pretty deep into a project. I had to learn a lot of things the hard way and I wanted to give back after all of the help I have gotten from here.
Heres the link
What’s included:
- defold-ts
- deftest
- custom types for deftest
- ci for testing in gh actions
- custom scripts
- setupTests.js (swaps main collection to test view and back to main)
- boilerPlateGen.js (makes mostly blank ts files for tests,scripts,gui scripts)
- docsGen.js (the way our ts files are its kinda strange and we need a script to pass it into ts doc)
- tsdoc
- examples of how to use some defold apis in ts (its mostly the same as lua just with types)
- working ios and android cd (easy to copy for desktop if you want)