I am at hurry up and wait stage on the rabbits v marbles game for some things from others.
So In the meantime I decided to start work on this little gem. SO this maybe a over done, or underdone concept. But one that just seems fun to me. I was reviewing 3d models with my wife and had four objects in a row in preview windows and started making them spin at each note on the song playing “Went thru the desert on a horse with no name” is lyrics dont know the actual name.) on Pandora. My wife was like make that a game! She rarely involves herself in my projects so I was like hmmmm…
So a game where a button is a character and either dances or sings when a note is caught or collides with him. So that I think in my chemo induced state “could be fun”
So Im posting my concept doc looking for feedback- good idea? Bad idea? what seems a good path and what seems poor? I am thinking “save finding music” this should be a fast project.
Angry Keys music game.pdf (43.5 KB)
Thanks JB