Android's dmengine won't connect

I’ve installed the dmengine.apk. The version is matching with the editor’s. I have check that my android device and my laptop are connected to the same network.

I think I follow the provided manual correctly. What could be wrong? How to make it works?


Odd, that should be enough I think. Firewall perhaps? @Andreas_Tadic should perhaps be able to provide more help.

Could you please describe your setup a bit more?

Which OS are you using and which version?
What kind of phone?
What type of network?
Are you connected to both wifi and wired?
Routers? Firewalls? Anti-virus?


OS: Win 8.1 and Win 7
Phone: Nexian Journey One (Android 6.0)
Network: Wifi (honestly I don’t know what do you mean by type)
Router: Asus RT-N660U
Firewall: Built-in windows firewall. I have tried to disable it, but nothing happened.
Antivirus: Avast (but I disable it)

I connected only to wifi. No wired connection.

Btw, what should it looks like when it works? Mine (Android side) always says “Waiting for connection…”.

Does the device show up in the Project > Targets menu?

No. Only “local” target is shown up

Today, I tried to run dmengine on Android 5 (Lolipop). It works fine.

Hmm, I wonder if there’s an issue with Android 6.0? @Andreas_Tadic, do you know?

Have you perhaps accidentally disabled network permissions for dmengine.apk on your Android 6.0 device?

Here is the screenshot of dmengine permission