Android Bundle goes on endlessly without errors and without creating an apk file. Just “bundling…” message forever.
How to reproduce
Create keystore file and alias inside it with different passwords.
Defold version
I work in 1.2.179. But I think the problem have been existing since the version with keystore implementation was released.
Here you can find this text:
You can create a keystore using Android Studio or from a terminal/command prompt
Let’s go to Android Studio website and read this text about password for alias:
This should be different from the password you chose for your keystore
If you do this, android apk-file will not be able to be built in Defold.
Also, you can’t create keystore file by Android Studio without alias-password. You have to type something.
Separate passwords in defold-password-txt file don’t work.
Use identical passwords for keystore file and alias inside it.
Please, put this information to this page. This will save a lot of time for developers.
My story in images:
Defold manual:
Android studio:
Defold is trying to build an apk-file for empty-project forever:
Me created alias with the same password as for keystore by accident: