Android: "Application not installed" (SOLVED)

I’ve built a few Android apps in the past with defold and put the APK into my phone and installed it. But now this new one just doesn’t install.

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Usually if you adb logcat will give you a better idea of what went wrong since Android OS usually isn’t that verbose with such things. Have a look here how to use it:

But if I can take a stab in the dark; had you already installed another app with the same package id? Did you try uninstalling the previous app first in that case? I think Android will complain if there is an app with the same package id already installed but signed with another certificate/key… (Defold automatically signs APKs during bundling with a new certificate each time if none is supplied.)

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Ah, of course I never changed the package id from the default one. Thanks for pointing it out I totally forgot about that.


:+1: Did it work? Can I mark this as solved? :blush:

Yeah that was the problem. Thanks!

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I had this issue recently “App Not Installed” for installing the debug apk from, only way to get around it was to disable “Google Play Protect” in settings.

Hmm, really? And you still need to have it disabled or was it a one time thing?

I uninstalled the apk, re-enabled Google Play Protect, tried to reinstall apk and it would not work.

Device is Samsung Galaxy S8

Hmm, ok, never heard of this before. And if you try to install an older dmengine?

Older one does work. :thinking:

Tested 1.2.133

Maybe it has to do with Google Play Protect having more awareness of the apk, not sure. Or maybe something changed in the recent apks that Google Play Protect on my device doesn’t like. No clue.

Also I did try to redownload latest apk several times. And it does install and run properly with Google Play Protect disabled.

Ok, hmm, I’ll try the latest one on an S8.

Works on an S9 at least. Charging an S8 now.

Works on an S8 as well. Android 8.0.0. Play Protect enabled. Strange…