Advertising Info extension message

Using the Advertising Info extension with these settings:

tracking_usage_description = Want to help us make Swiing a better game? Allow us to track your activity in-game for our performance analytics and providing relevant ads!
register_for_attribution = 1

Reveals this prompt:

Where does the tracking_usage_description appear, if not on the popup?

Good question! Can you please check your final Info.plist and verify that the following value exists and has been set with adinfo.tracking_usage_description from game.project:

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Aha, there seem to be an issue there; there are two entries. This is the Info.plist extracted from the .ipa itself:

    <string>Want to help us make Swiing a better game? Allow us to track your activity in-game for our performance analytics and providing relevant ads!</string>

    <string>Your data will be used to provide you a better and personalized ad experience.</string>

One of them is from the UnityAds extension. I suppose the reason the latter is shown is the order in which they appear in the file.

Yes, that is very likely the reason. I suggest that you submit a feature request to UnityAds and request that the value is configurable there as well.

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