32/64-bit apk crashed, Defold Editor 2, 1.2.154, Linux

I don’t. You should be able to open old projects and build them. The exception may be old projects using old app/ext manifests.

Did you get a crashlog from logcat (the Android Debug Bridge tool)?

not yet. since using Defold, I have not used Android Studio for quite some time. Need to download it first. It will take some time.

before i was able to reply again, my internet failed a few times already. I showed you this for you to understand downloading one 1 GB file of Android Studio maybe nothing where you are. But, where I am the internet in unstable and the bandwidth is narrower. It’s not trivial at all. That’s why re-building a game manually could be a more efficient way to solve my problem. I will, however, send you the crash logcat, if i can download android studio successfully to use adb.

Use a download manager which lets you resume downloads?

Yes. That “Disk full” message was misleading. Maybe that version of Linux has a limit for a folder. I checked. My disk is not really full. I’m download it again in another way.

You can download only the command line tools. There’s no need to download the entire Android studio.



1.2.154 linux was used, 32/64-bit both selected. project/bundle/android application.
logcat file attached. it was generated from my 32-bit nexus android. my 64-bit is a samsung, could not be used with adb.

logcat8.txt (829.3 KB)

What is VolcanoNow in your project?
I see you are using custom AndroidManifest.xml. We updated this manifest many times since 2017, could you try to build your game using default AndroidManifest?

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It should be Volcanohero.

How to use default AndroidManifest in 1.2.154?

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Tap this button to reset your AndroidManifest to default


In your logcat you have the next line:

com.dynamo.android.DefoldActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find native library: VolcanoNow

That’s why I am asking.

Pls, try to do next:

  1. Reset AndroidManifest.xml to default
  2. Remove appmanifest in game.project
  3. Save and close the project
  4. In the folder with your project remove build and .internal directories.
  5. Open the Editor and try to build game again.

And pls share your game.project file in zip archive without xxxXXxXx instead of name and package name. I want to compare logs with your project settings. (you can do it in PM if you don’t wanna share it in public)


I did your 5 steps. Now the apk works on both my 32/64-bit Android phones. Thanks a lot!!!