Access gravity in Project Settings (SOLVED)

How can a script access the gravity_y property in Project Settings? I’m using sys.get_config("display.width") elsewhere and it works, but sys.get_config("physics.gravity_y") and sys.get_config("physics.gravity") return nil. Are they inaccessible?

sys.get_config("physics.gravity_y") is correct, but if you haven’t changed from the default value then the game.project file will actually not have an entry for gravity_y and sys.get_config() will return nil for that property.

I believe this is a difference between Editor 1 and Editor 2 and I’m not sure if the editor team is aware of it? Ping @Erik_Angelin, @mats.gisselson and @Ragnar_Dahlen


I take this back. Editor 1 behaves the same way.

@neonb: The solution is to actually enter a value in game.project or use sys.get_config("key", default_value)

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Allright, thanks! I changed the value a bit from the default and now it works. :slight_smile: Would it be possible for the editor to write out all default values to the project file when creating a new project, if just for making them accessible right away? Should I post this to the feature request section?

Yes please.