Why is the update speed too fast? (DEF-1785) (SOLVED)

waiting for the bug fixed

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Yep that was the problem. I had recently reinstalled my graphics drivers so I had set the wait for vertical retrace setting to on again. Thanks all!


I’ve updated my graiphic card drivers and issue disappeared


I think I have the same problem. In the example of the tutorial, everything happens very quickly.

windows 7 x64, nvidia 368.39

We haven’t solved the root cause of this yet. Have you tried updating your graphics driver?

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Updating the driver helped. Tnx

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I have to update and DEOLD and after all the animation is very fast moving. In the example in the project. I can only have specific animations to reduce the frequency of update options?

Hi @spacestark! Perhaps you could ask your question again in english?


yes, sorry)

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The comments above suggests that this might be fixed by turning on vsync for your monitor/graphics driver. Have you tried this?

I think no. Maybe I just do not understand the process. It seems to me that all the animation and movement themselves frog 2 times faster than they should be. not as much as in the video above, but not as smooth as it should be

Now I am trying to record a video. laptop became slow down and play has been almost comfortable. if I had a 2-fold decreased FPS. I tried to change it to “game.project name” but nothing changed … in all the examples process of the game is clearly under acceleration 2 times

I believe you have to find a setting for your graphics driver or monitor in your control panel which is related to “vsync”. Have you located such a setting on you computer? Maybe @Johan or @madeyes knows where to find it?

I found this option, but nothing has changed … I tried to file “name game.project” lower FPS from 60 to 30 games and had very fast tb. Then I tried it with 60 fps to 90 fps to increase, but the game still goes a little fast. There are ideas for testing?

What I need to do is going in the nVidia control panel and under “Manage 3D-settings” add a setting for dmengine.exe (I need to redo it each time Defold is updated as the folder for dmengine.exe is new each time) and turn off VSync.


Hooray, I found a solution to your problem. The file “game.project” you need to tick “variable_dt”, update_frequency below. Everything was moving smoothly!

Hi all.

I have some trouble. Fix by apply VSync in NVIDIA drivers panel. Please resolve problem globality :slight_smile: Thank you

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uL3lBX9lm0

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Finally fixed in Defold 1.2.115


Hi, this seems to happening to me despite 2 months after it being fixed, I need to turn on Vsync or else it becomes too fast.

p/s: I’m trying to rule out my drivers, updating it

Hmm, I thought we had all update speed issues solved. @Johan_Beck-Noren? How have you configured game.project? Update Frequency and Variable Dt?