Hi , I’m not really sure how to do this, but I will give it a try first.
UPDATE: Hi, the difference was
Above: dt values after 60seconds
Below : gettime difference after 60seconds
Update Frequency 60 , variable dt unticked and vsync on:
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 60.000003129244
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 59.979429244995
Update Frequency 60 , variable dt ticked and vsync off:
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 268.28545371525
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 59.806419372559
Update Frequency 60 , variable dt unticked and vsync off:
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 1176.7333947048
DEBUG:SCRIPT: 59.813241958618
My specifications:
|Build time|2018-06-18T16:06:50.083684|
|Defold channel|editor-alpha|
|Defold editor sha|4f2478d053dd63a6fcaa794b994256e7b0b25038|
|Defold engine sha|3abf70ee10dfb24e43529ff2e7ffbf1905ef5c19|
|Defold version|1.2.130|
|GPU|GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2|
|GPU Driver|4.6.0 NVIDIA 398.11|
|Java version|1.8.0_102-b14|
|OS arch|amd64|
|OS name|Windows 7|
|OS version|6.1|