Unofficial Defold Game Jam #1

Yes, tried, all of the font and label materials :confused:

For whatever reason, they don’t show up for me in editor either but they do in engine. Could be because the font is missing some of the default symbols?


Oo, yep, it’s actually working in runtime :smiley: could be the lack of symbols, though they are not needed for now :stuck_out_tongue: anyway, it solves the problem :smiley:


Adding content to Nanowar. Having a limited colour palette speeds up the artwork process quite a bit. Tomorrow I’ll continue with content, make a few levels and maybe some pick-ups.


It’s 5th day of the jam, Thursday, so the day of the axe (well, actually should be hammer :hammer:, but I wanted to refer to the Stormbreaker :smiley: ) so I was focused on combat.

Day 4:

I added tutorial section at the beginning - :speech_balloon: labels explaining controls, combat and spell system. It is very important to get familiar with it in the demo before the actual boss fight, so I’m hoping after this jam I’ll gather a lot of feedbacks about if it is even comfortable.

Still, the gui needs to be repaired :sweat_smile: There is a simpler mob at this section to practice combat too :space_invader:. I also integrated the Focus board and adjust it for horizontal orientation. I think I will lock combinations of elements, because I don’t have so much spells prepared - I have only basic missles ready to show, so I think I will stay with four elements for now and see what can be added before the deadline :smiley:

Day 5:
Some bugs regarding combat system were repaired. Added particlefxs while attacking and taking damage. The title, loading and ending screens were added. The hero and boss and practice mob can all be defeated. I closed the game’s loop, so after losing/winning the game restarts (I don’t have a menu for now :cry:) Started to implementing spells interactions - dealing damage to mobs (then maybe to static objects to give a vertical slice of what level of interactions I would like to achieve :star_struck: ) Hope I’ll find all bugs regarding combat and interactions before the deadline :face_with_monocle:

This jam is highly motivating and I’m just adding stuff, not caring too much about a project’s structure. I think that kind of crunch is very fruitful and then I could tidy up everything and the intel created and experience gained is worth it :smiley: So, I’m very thankful for this Jam! :blush:


Added a few pick-ups to Nanowar, along with some more levels and some gui stuff. Game loop is now complete so it feels like a proper game. I’ve yet to implement the boss theme but have an idea what I’m going to do!


Hey there Defolders… I’ve published my game jam entry.

This is the first time I’ve ever been in a game jam…so go kind on me :smiley:

There was much experiences gained here, finishing a game within constraints really pushes one’s abilities.

I would have loved to polish more of the game, but I am going to be travelling a bit over the next few days and won’t have much time for further polishing.

Hope it is fun enough. And good luck with all the awesome games you guys are cooking up.

The link:


Great topic interpretation :smiley:

I know one solution for this - polish it after the trip :wink: end of the jam doesn’t need to be end of the development :smiley: good luck, you’re on the right way! :smiley:


Thanks for the kinds words @Pawel . I’ll look at it after the jam ends then :smiley:

Your game’s looking crazily awesome. Looking forward to that!


5 days gone, no progress, but now I have an amazing idea to work upon. (Better late than never :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). It’s going to be a be the boss kinda game, but I will keep my mouth shut for now and let the screenshots do the talking from tomorrow. :smile:


I love the idea. Great game!!


This would be a pretty rush :smiley: but I bet it will be an awesome game, good luck! :wink:


No rush, no fun :wink:.
Just joking. I just want to finish my first jam game :sweat:
Thanks for your words @Pawel


Have submitted my entry! Had a lot of fun making this and am fairly happy with the finished result.


Ver,. very addicting :smiley: It could be even perfect on mobiles, but you need to add automatic fire, because even on keyboard I was actually holding the space all the time :smiley: Great game! :space_invader: :tada:


Late start.


Indeed. @Pkeod also suggested this so I’ve changed the behavior so the space bar toggles autofire on and off. I don’t like the idea of having no control over it at all so this should be a good compromise. Have updated the web build over on itch. :+1:


Awesome! Office Space printer destruction simulator? :slight_smile:


Heh, nice idea, but no.


Whoa, what would it be?? :smiley: