I want to create a tilemap in which its tiles are generated in runtime and in which the tilemap itself is generated in runtime by a factory. The problem is that if I try to generate a tilemap with the factory, the tilemap collisions don’t work, but if I try to instantiate the tilemap in the collection without using the factory, the collisions work.
Defold version: 1.2.145
OS: macOS 10.14.2
Link to a project to simulate this bug: https://mega.nz/#!yGR12aKC!BNsN_PJB89oqW7rxKMaSaZGaIOCHmKDOz1WGxSK2usc
There are two collection in this project that you can choose to run: factory.collection for testing the bug and instantiated.collection to demonstrate that the collisions work if the tilemap is not generated by a factory.