Pigeon - easy and safe messaging library for Defold

I copy and edited and everything works great,
Thanks a lot for the help! :smiley:

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Pigeon has been updated to 1.2 :wink:

Release is added on Github, current link to add to game.project dependency:


Quick Reference:

local insality_log = require "log.log"

Well done! :smiley:

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Pigeon has been updated to 1.3 :dove:

  • Added possibility to define multiple types in message definition using | as separator, e.g. string|number|nil. Example script extended with this usage. Change is not breaking and all legacy tests are passing. Quick Reference:
pigeon.define("test", { test_value = "string|number|nil" }) -- define message with one test_value being string, number or nil
pigeon.send("test", {test_value = 1 }) -- we can then send a message with number
pigeon.send("test", {test_value = "test" }) -- or string
pigeon.send("test", {test_value = nil }) -- or nil
pigeon.send("test". {}) -- and because the only defined key here can be nil, so we as well can pass empty table
pigeon.send("test") -- or nothing at all
  • Added Lua annotations to all functions in Pigeon!

  • Improved documentation.

  • Working with Defold 1.9.4 (library is pretty much version agnostic though unless msg API changes)

Release is added on Github as 1.3, current link to add to game.project dependency:
