Pie Squares: Web and Mobile game about collecting fruit

Been a bit busy so I haven’t been able to do too much, but here is some progress I made over the holiday. There is some sfx now and it probably still needs to be leveled accordingly, but it is a start.

Next up:

  1. Better collection UI
  2. Instructions in game
  3. Options Menu
  4. Facebook connect
  5. High Scores (populated from Facebook connection or top 5 local to device)
  6. Share buttons (to facebook and twitter)
  7. Enter into Defold GDC contest

Holidays (and some dental work) really took a toll on my working but the game now has rules in the game:




Pause Screen

In addition to this, there is now a count in, some more visual indication of time running out, a few pops ups to indicate recipe goals, share buttons (the facebook one doesn’t do anything YET) and buttons to mute audio from the main menu.

Next up:

  1. Facebook connect
  2. High Scores (populated from Facebook connection or top 5 local to device)
  3. Improve support for various resolutions
  4. Enter into Defold GDC contest

Planned resolutions to support:

5:8 | 720 x 1152
3:5 | 720 x 1200
9:14 | 720 x 1120
75:128 | 750 x 1280
240:427 | 720 x 1281
9 :16 | 720 x 1280 (currently supported)
3:4 | 768 x 1024 (currently supported)


This weekend I got local high scores working (I’ve decided Facebook connecting isn’t really important for the contest so I’ll be doing it after I submit):

When people are connected to facebook it’ll replace the blue boxes with their friends facebook photos and have a field at the bottom for inviting friends (below the 5th place) with some contextual text based on whether you have any friends playing or not.

Next up:

  1. Improve support for various resolutions
  2. Enter into Defold GDC contest
  3. Facebook connect

I covered my bases on all the resolutions I listed early (so the game looks pretty good on a number of devices) and I submitted to the Defold competition.

There is also a facebook page now

Also we updated the art a little. Here is the new Title image


Well done man – best of luck! :slight_smile:


Been a while since I’ve updated this. I’m at the end of the project and it has been hard for me to do the things I need to do to get the game released because I have a hard time letting go of a project. Release day is planned for 3/14/17.


Live on the android app store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codecloakgames.piesquares

Will add it to the #MadeInDefold post after the ios version is also live.


Create a gameplay video and upload to YouTube? Then you can add that to your store page to act as a tutorial / show people what it’s like to play.

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Yup I’m working on it. I’m no good at video editing :frowning:

Next thing to work on after is your description for SEO. With good SEO, you should be able to get a few hundred to a few thousand organic page impressions a day at least depending on what keywords you target.