There’s now also a crash fix for when setting a new callback during the current callback in Gui.
It seems like the callbacks are no longer called at all.
Hmm… I’ll double check
It should be fixed now.
Thanks, confirm fixed.
I have been following this thread from the sidelines but once again I’m astonished by the speed and level of response when a bug is discovered. I have that same level only at work but the company employs 500+ people.
Thanks again to everyone involved. Best subscription I have ever made.
I’m on beta version of editor (1.2.193) and I have encountered issue with changing spine scenes in gui. Whenever I change spine scene, the game is crashing:
ERROR:SCRIPT: upload/defold-spine/src/script_spine_gui.cpp:227: LuaStackCheck: Unbalanced Lua stack, expected (3), actual (2)
gui.set_spine_scene(gui.get_node("Mission Image"), "mis0")
I assume that now this function require 3 params?
Docs are stating 2: API reference (gui) (1.8 KB)
P.S. Playing spine scenes, without changing scene is working fine.
Thank you for the report.
Fixed in the new spine release 2.0.1
Now it is crashing with such message:
Assertion failed: n->m_Version == version, file …\src\gui.cpp, line 161
Again, on scene change
This is the real issue hidden behind the first one which was a small typo.
There’s now a fix for that too in
Thanks. It’s working)
But my errors does not stop here)
When dynamically creating gui spine node it is crashing:
local animal_image = gui.new_spine_node(vmath.vector3(90, 90, 0), "scene id")
ERROR:CRASH: 7 0x7FF6BA458050 dmSpine::CreateBones /tmp/job10074807639122694608/upload/defold-spine/src/gui_node_spine.cpp:471
ERROR:CRASH: 8 0x7FF6BA457310 dmSpine::SetupNode /tmp/job10074807639122694608/upload/defold-spine/src/gui_node_spine.cpp:643
ERROR:CRASH: 9 0x7FF6BA464CA0 dmSpine::NewSpineNode /tmp/job10074807639122694608/upload/defold-spine/src/script_spine_gui.cpp:67
ERROR:CRASH: 10 0x7FF6BA4709CE lj_BC_FUNCC <unknown>:0
ERROR:CRASH: 11 0x7FF6BA4F20C0 lua_pcall <unknown>:0
I’ve just pushed a crash fix for creating new spine nodes with a scene that doesn’t exist:
Is that what you’re doing? E.g. is that “scene id” actually the name of the scene in the list of gui spine scenes?
“scene id” is the name of the scene in the list of gui spine scenes. It is still failing on my code. Do you need any additional info?
Thanks. Yes, any info would be helpful, as I currently cannot reproduce it
EDIT: Does the scene have bones?
EDIT2: Might it be possible for me to borrow your scene+textures for testing? (e.g. send via DM)
Yes it has. I will send the scene in the dm
And, there’s now another crash fix for the gui.new_spine_scene()
I started testing the new extension and beta 1.3 and encountered the following error:
New project, only spine NE (2.0.4 or, the issue with both version) + just one .spinejson (Haven’t created an atlas for the model yet). Seems it crashed when parsing .spinejson and can’t find the pictures/atlas for this model?
Used ‘mix-and-match-pro’ from official Spine examples for test.