Noname 2.5 Shooter (Open source)

This week made experiments with lights. It need more work. But first simple version is done

I can change color of tile in light map layer of tile, to emulate light.But it wasn’t enough.

I want to light be more dynamic. For example some light sources with red danger signal that pulse in game, or turn on/off light in a room.

So i make a light object. :grinning:
1)That object find near cells(for now all, in future only that can be touched by light).
2)Change brightness depends on distance(not implement for now)
3)Blend with light from other light sources. Problem place.:exploding_head:
My first idea was to use hsv colors. But i do not find way to make blend for hsv colors. Now i use rgb additive blend. It worked good when lights white or have same colors. But in other situation it produce strange results=)
I do not know the best way to make blend for different light colors.I think i will avoid that situations in game.:grinning:


This week was also focus on light.
1)Refactor raycasting camera.
It cast rays and find visible cells.In prev version i can have only one main camera. Now i can make new cameras. For example camera for light source to find cell that need light from it.
2)Add ability to change light color in runtime
3)Add rotation_speed component


Very nice!


Spent a lot of time thinking about game concept.

The game will be a dynamic fast shooter, about robot cleaner from boston dynamic.
People throw a lot of trash, and also beat robot. So robot is angry and will revange

Try to stream a develop on twitch in russian language.It was fun and productive=)

1)Reduce player velocity, when hit a wall.
2)Add tag component.And method for find entity by tag
3)Add test light patters(sin,tween,perlin noise).Pattern changed light color and bright. Patten can be configured in tiled.
4)Add pickups.Draw and collisions.
5)Add test particles in 3d.It work but have some problems.I will try fixed them later, when start to use particles in game.
6)Add animated tiles for wall.
7)Add raycasting to physics
8)Add doors and keys.


this is insane. Well done for your hard work.


Make some small changes=)
Focus on gui.Also start add weapons

1)Add hp bar
2)Add ammo panel.
3)Add minimap view.(it is gui, so later it can be more beautiful)
4)Add sight
5)Add base for weapons.(it can’t shoot, but you can change it)
6)Refactor rendercam.Remove messages and scripts. My rendercam is lua module. =)
It make easy to use multiple cameras in renderscript.(i do it for another project, but also migrate this project)


It looks really cool! Good job!


that is right. it is cool :sunglasses:


It looks awesome! How is the lighting calculated? It would be really cool to add a normal map to the weapon and do the same evaluation there, so it blends a bit better with the game. Anyway, good job!


Good idea.:+1:
It looks better with tinted weapon.
I use current tile color for that tint.
But when i move it change colors, to fast and blink.
I will try add some interpolation or add near cell colors, to tint calculation.

Light calculation is simple.
It is a tile based light.

Color consist of two parts, static and dynamic.
Tile always have a static base color from level editor.
Also tile have a array with dynamic lights from light sources.

(Here you can see static colors)
Light sources use rays to find tile, that needs color.
Also the light brightness depends on distance to tile.

To get tile result color, all colors is mixed with additive blend.
Then i draw that lights colors, to texture.
And in shader mixed sprite color with that light color

This map have a very dark static color.
There is a light map texture, on the left
Also light map texture, updated only for visible cell.


I started looking through the source to see what you did with rendercam, and wow, it looks like you’ve done a ton of work on this to bypass Defold’s built-in systems, controlling your own update order…a different physics engine via Native Extension, etc…pretty cool. ‘go.get_position()’ is only used three times in the whole project :smile: (twice in rendercam & 1 other time). I never would have considered doing all this. It seems like your own engine built on top of Defold.


Trying to add particles in 3d.

But particles can’t blend with each other.(depth test problem)
If i disabled depth test for particles. It blend with each other ok. But
have problems with other objects.
Any ideas, how to fix?
render script

function Render:render_3d()
	if (not self.targets.light_map) then return end
	local camera = CAMERAS.current

	render.set_viewport(camera.viewport.x, camera.viewport.y, camera.viewport.width, camera.viewport.height)


	render.enable_texture(1, self.targets.light_map, render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT)

        --no transparent
	render.draw(self.predicates.wall, self.constants_buffers.light_map)

	render.set_blend_func(render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

        --all objects with transparent. Walls,enemies,objects, particles.
	render.draw(self.predicates.transparent3d, self.constants_buffers.light_map)

	if CONSTANTS.DEBUG.draw_physics then render.draw(self.predicates.debug_physics) end


Maybe draw all particles to a render target without depth test, and then depth test with that render target? Or use depth to mask.

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No. In that case every new particleFX will need new render target.

What is depth to mask?

You could move the particles to a single render predicate / render target, which is then drawn last. I’m not sure on specifics, would need to make a test project, but something like that should be possible.

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What is your desired effect? You could render them last without depth test to overlay them on top of everything else, but I’m guessing you are looking for something specific?

Thanks. I try that before. In that case, particles draw correct with each other. But not with other objects.

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We need depth but it’s still not supported. I’m not sure how else to do this other than maybe draw everything’s depth in another pass yourself, but it would double your draw calls.

Edit: I’m not even thinking right, those objects only draw depth for their vertexes but they don’t discard the depth for the transparent pixels. I’m not sure what to do in this situation, it might still be possible as
is composting multiple passes together.

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The idea was to use particles for blood, fire or sparks.
For now i am testing can i use them or not.

And i see some problems when mix depth and alpha.
Not sure that they can be fixed.

For my cases i can add discard to particle shader.

 if(spriteColor.a < 0.01){discard;}

It add some restricrions to particles visual. But i think it will be enough in my situation.

But if someone have ideas, how to do it better. I will be grateful =)


Maybe I don’t understand the problem… Have you tried the following?

  1. draw all objects with depth test and depth write both enabled

  2. draw all the particles (with add or alpha) with depth test enabled but with depth write disabled.

Probably this is too simple and I have missed something.

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