I have just made a few performance / battery life tests on my Asus ME173X tablet (pretty low end device on which we usually test code and graphics performance) on a simple Defold logo ping-ponging from top to bottom using a Sine wave interpolation (Defold uses go.animate with internal tweening engine). I was conducting these tests for the last two days, made them at least twice per platform to ensure that results are consistent, and here are the results
99% -> 1h -> 91%
99% -> 2h -> 79%
99% -> 1h -> 91%
99% -> 2h -> 82%
99% -> 1h -> 93%
99% -> 2h -> 85%
Difference is quite apparent, especially after two hours, but it’s not nearly “3x more consuming”. I have also noticed that Unity and Monogame (especially Monogame) were less stable in terms of FPS (even on that small one ping-ponging logo demo), most likely occasionally missing vsync intervals, which resulted in stuttering. Defold, on the other hand, was consistent all the time. I have also noticed that Defold didn’t warm up the device while Unity and Monogame did (just a bit, it didn’t bring it to thermal throttling limits, but it was noticeable).
I will post a mini-postmortem on overall Defold usage “review” regarding our smaller 2D projects. We have worked with Unity for quite some time now (since 4.3, released a few games) and have decided to take a look at Defold as an alternative for creating more energy efficient and less development-heavy games.