Join the Defold and Yandex.Games Jam 2021

I’m a little bit stressed now, still didn’t get a response from moderation. But I guess at least the draft version is available for anyone to check out, so you can see it here: :wink:


I found that your game doesn’t have “game jam 21” tag. Try including it. On other games that tag is present.


I told Alex about your game, he sent a request to Yandex. Looks like games getting stuck at moderation is a common thing.


Thank you so much! :heart_eyes: It’s always easier to communicate when you know the language!


The tag was removed in moderation for some reason along with similar text in the description - and you can’t edit a published app. Too late to submit a new version now.

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just add this tag again, it should work even without submission. If not - don’t worry about it, we will include your game in the list.

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Thanks - all the fields are read-only for published apps and there’s no ‘save’ button.

just create a new draft and and this tag there (without submission), it worked a while ago at least (am I right @aglitchman ?)

Okay, I’ve done that.

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My game is currently in the moderation queue (currently at the prepared state). My team submitted it Saturday night, hopefully it passes in time!

Send a link to your game to @AGulev

Didn’t work, try submitting for moderation, should be much faster this time.

And submit the new draft. Small changes pass moderation quickly.

Have added the tag (again) and submitted for moderation.

Didn’t expect from myself! Try beating that.



Yey! :smiley: Thank you guys!


Hey guys! I’ve made my “Darts Loop” game for the gamejam. Submitted to Yandex today earlier. Not sure will it pass an approval before deadline’s end or not, though. Wish me luck!

Upd. Passed moderation.


Hey everyone!

My team and I remade one of our classic games “A Drunk Thief” for the game-jam. We are still working on getting it through moderation, but you are welcome to try out our draft:

We also created a separate version on itch that is ad-free and has a slightly different gameplay loop.

One of the major issues we’ve had is signing up for the Yandex ad network. Currently they are asking for scans of our passports. No one on the team feels safe giving that information to Yandex, we are all worried about our identities being stolen. Is this normal for Yandex to do?


I made a Twitter thread with thoughts after this amazing game jam and I have even more to say here, so maybe I will write a blog post about it :thinking::memo: