IronSource SDK native extension

Yes, and this one works.

I’m trying to add dependencies one by one to see if one will crash…

So I kept my “sample project”, then added my dependencies.

The app launches, but .5 second after, crashes, and can see this in the log:

19:50:58.305850+0200 default testapp This copy of libswiftCore.dylib requires an OS version prior to 12.2.0.

Try to add in ext.manifest following

linkFlags:  ["-ObjC", '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/swift', '-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/Frameworks']
libs:       ["swiftCompatibility51", "swiftCompatibility50"]

Probably some other dependecies contains some swift code.


EDIT: it worked!!
A million thanks to @11110 for your help, you saved my sanity here! :smiley:


I added mediation of Admob + Facebook on the IronSource SDK.
Everything is integrated correctly as I see with ironsource.validate_integration()

But I can’t seem to get Admob ad coming from Ironsource. Has anyone managed to actually SEE an Admob ad using the IronSource mediation?

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up :slight_smile: does anyone have an updated version of IronSource SDK?