iPad Pro 11 (3 gen) missing Launch Images (#4584)

For now there is no correct launch images in game.project for iPad Pro 11 (3 gen) with screen resolution 2388x1668.

So, on this device game will be not fullscreen.
There is also no launch images for iPhone XR (828x1792), but it can correct downscale another launch images.

Possibly, there is two workarounds.
First one is storyboards (didn’t test yet)
Second one (I use it) is place launch images in ios bundle folder (bundle/ios/Default-Landscape-1194h@2x.png and bundle/ios/Default-Portrait-1194h@2x.png)
And add to your custom info.plist:

    <string>{834, 1194}</string>
    <string>{1194, 834}</string>
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Thank you for pointing this out. I’ve added a ticket to track this: 4584. I’ll try to get it included in 1.2.165

This will get included in 1.2.165.

iPad Pro 11, iPhone XR and XS Max will be covered by the fix.