Input blocked if add Facebook appID (SOLVED)

Ah, and now I managed to reproduce it. It feels like something else on the page gets selected and takes all the input.

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yes, looks like “something was selected” and this happens only if add Facebook to project settings.

Exactly. It’s the Facebook div (that is offscreen) that gets selected. We will fix this in the template, but for now a solution is to set a class on the div:

<div id="fb-root" class="facebook-app-container"></div>

And create a new style that disables selection of the div:

		.facebook-app-container {
			user-select: none;
			moz-user-select: none;
			khtml-user-select: none;
			webkit-user-select: none;
			o-user-select: none;

wow, great! Thanks for your solution!

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