Hi, I am Geeth… Can anyone tell me the reasons to gui node text will be invisible when i click a button of any collection(not main collection) …
I can not think about that but it is…
Hi, I am Geeth… Can anyone tell me the reasons to gui node text will be invisible when i click a button of any collection(not main collection) …
I can not think about that but it is…
Are you saying the text node becomes invisible when you press the button? Are you referring to a keypress or a gui button?
What does your GUI look like? A combination of text and box nodes? How are they structured?
Are you manipulating the boxes using any of the gui functions?
Any errors in the console?
Happy to hear that you managed to solve it. What was the problem?
Hi, I am Geeth.
zip: Norm_game (2).zip (318.2 KB)
the error came again.
please solve this problem…
We’re investigating
No. There’s a problem somewhere in the font rendering code which seems to get triggered in your project. I have isolated it down to a bare bones project here: font-issue.zip (117.7 KB)
The problem manifests itself while the additional bedi_symbol1
text node exists in the game.gui file. If that node is removed it works. It also works if label.set_text() isn’t called in 4_tile.script. None of this is obviously acceptable, but this bare bones example will help us debug the problem.
When we find the issue we’ll include it in the next release where the beta is scheduled for the 26th of October.
Ok, but when i change the resolution of the font-issue project that you gave, the all of numbers created newly in another positions. how do i fix it?
It’s a test project. I ripped everything out to get a minimal project. Don’t bother fixing anything.
Ok, tell me clearly is this the problem of my code or the problem of engine?
It is a problem in the engine
Hi @britzl, I am Geeth (Grass_dev)…
I think you already found the error of Gui which I told. So, did you fix that?
Britzl, I viewed my 4_tile game project again and again, then I saw that the alpha of numbers of tiles and symbols(*, +, -, /) will be changed. So, i think this will be useful to fix the error…
Not yet. Other tasks have taken longer than expected.
Oh no, So Do you mean you couldn’t fix the error on new beta release that you said? I am sad.
really sad…