Firebase Remote Config

I think it should be part of extension-firebase as the token can be used to validate both Remote Config A/B tests and Cloud Messaging A/B tests.

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Iā€™ve implemented this and am about to open a pull request, but frustratingly, even though the Remote Config dashboard accepts the auth token (and rejects it if I corrupt it - so I know itā€™s valid), my attempts to force a device to receive a particular variant arenā€™t working.

This started to work this morning (my test device saw the variant value) so pretty sure this is the caching problem as discussed earlier in the thread - Iā€™ll investigate options.

edit: added set_minimum_fetch_interval at


Approved! Thank you for the contribution!


It turns out that the installations auth token has a very short lifetime so isnā€™t useful for my scenario where a QA tester will want to register their device to receive a particular A/B test variant over a period of time.
The other option is an Instance ID token but thatā€™s deprecated. It is though currently available (Android only) from the register callback in extension-push, and it does have a useful lifetime.


Also thanks @AGulev for fixing/adding the iOS framework.