Yes, that is probably doable. The raw data for the documentation is available to download from our site, just like the engine, editor and everything else. It’s in the file,, where sha1 matches the release (for the current stable you can find it from
snippets.cson.script (128.6 KB)
A snippet file generated from the api docs for using in Atom editor.
For windows version of editor open File->Snippets and copy/paste text from the attached file to the opened one.
Ready for feedback. (:
Nice! It seems to be working well! You should put the script up on GitHub and add some instructions for those who are not familiar with Atom snippets. And make a separate post of it here on the forum as well.
For those who have Visual Studio Code I converted snippets to that format. Just open Code -> Preferences -> User snippets -> select lua -> copy from archive and paste there -> save. Works well. (14.8 KB)
edit: made an archive fix…
Docset updated to Defold 1.2.88
thx for your work and all that you share
Docset updated to Defold 1.2.89
Docset updated to Defold 1.2.90
Hi everyone, sorry if I’m being thick but what is the URL feed when using Zeal?
I’d really like to stop creating manually each docset at release.
Answering my own question,
Zeal is yet to be capable of accessing directly : zeal issue
There is hope though and in the meantime you can pull the latest docset from the server manually:
and install it as usual.
Docset updated for 1.2.93.
Docset updated to 1.2.94
Docset updated to 1.2.96
Just a quick update for zeal users. Someone built a non official contribution repository in order to provide RSS XML feeds (similar to dash) here:
I can’t wait to see the automatic update do his magic!
Direct feed link
If you try to add it and manually installed it in the past make sure you remove the manually installed version from the Docsets window.
For new users
Tools -> Docsets -> Add Feed -> Paste above xml link
Docset updated to 1.2.97
Zeal can’t directly get User Contributed docsets still.
If you are using Zeal currently easiest way to get the up to date docset is to go to Tools -> Docsets… -> Add Feed
Then add this link
I don’t like the orange or grey though.
CSS change to put things to solid black defold.css in AppData\Local\Zeal\Zeal\docsets\Defold.docset\Contents\Resources\Documents
.type {
background: #F2F3F5;
font-family: monospace;
padding: 4px;
outline: 1px solid #DDD;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.params, .return, .examples {
padding: 10px;
background: #F7F8FA;
outline: 1px solid #DDD;
margin-bottom: 35px;
.param {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.entry {
color: #000000;
.brief {
color: #000000;
.index {
text-transform: uppercase;
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #000000;
CSS would probably have to be updated every Defold update though.
There is an iOS version of Dash too which does support user contributed docs.
For Zeal users to manually install download
And then put the defold.docset in
C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Zeal\Zeal\docsets
Then relaunching Zeal made up to date docs show up.
Or you can also add this feed to Zeal, which should also auto-update.
For some reason it’s labeled as De instead of Defold though in the meta.json there must be someone to ping to fix that.