Released a new version 0.89
Adding new usefull functions.
On next release will add binding for b2Manifold. After that ne will have all basic functionality.
1)add world:RayCast
--- Ray-cast the world for all fixtures in the path of the ray. Your callback
--- controls whether you get the closest point, any point, or n-points.
--- The ray-cast ignores shapes that contain the starting point.
--- @param callback function(Box2dFixture fixture, vector3 point, vector3 normal, float fraction)
--- @param point1 vector3 ray starting point
--- @param point2 vector3 ray ending point
function Box2dWorld:RayCast(callback, point1, point2) end
2)add world:QueryAABB
--- Query the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the
--- provided AABB.
---@param callback function(Box2dFixture fixture)
---@param aabb table the query box. {lowerBound = vmath.vector3(0), upperBound = vmath.vector3(0)}
function Box2dWorld:QueryAABB(callback, aabb) end
3)add world:SetContactListener
no old_manifold in PreSolve
no impulse in PostSolve
--- Register a contact event listener.
--- listener = {
--- BeginContact = function (contact) end,
--- EndContact = function(contact) end,
--- PreSolve = function(contact, old_manifold) end,
--- PostSolve = function(contact,impulse) end
--- }
---@param listener table|nil
function Box2dWorld:SetContactListener(listener) end
4)add binding for b2Contact.
18 functions