Defold 1.8.1 has been released

:+1: The increased focus on web related fixes is thanks to our recent partnership with Poki!


Amazing update! camera features very good to see.


I lack the experience and knowledge to do this, and am hoping someone will make a defold extension for it or better explain how to achieve it.

Also no colouring of the text in teal yet it seems. Would be perfect dev environment otherwise.

Something happened with folder name.
I make builds with bob.

When i make build for web result folder have “Punch Legend Simulator” name.

But when i build for android, result folder have “PunchLegendSimulator” name. Spaces was removed

This is most likely caused by Remove accents from project title when used as filename while bundling for Android by britzl · Pull Request #8660 · defold/defold · GitHub


I think yes. Space is not in list of allowed symbols.
What you will be do with that? i think behavier should be consistent for all platforms.

For my cases it will be enough to add space in this list:)

But mb you need make this fix for folder names for all platforms not only for android?

So think about it:)


I agree with removing spaces in general from the bundled names. We can adapt with scripting anyway.

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Wow! :heart_eyes: Such great features! I can’t wait to check out Teal :heart:

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faced with some issue with 1.8.1 and spine extension 3.2.0 :face_with_monocle:

One proposition idea:

It would be great if Release Notes would also include links to teasers that you sometimes publish (and then they are sometimes lost in limbo), like for example, there was a teaser:

Or in this thread:

Or many other teasers, especially that those are with visuals, images, gifs or videos - or even if you share ones on Twitter - it’s worth linking them to the release notes later on as well, as ready examples of what you want to present :wink:


added repo case on GitHub! just like @AGulev taught me!



The spine release was a bit of false advertisement - you need to use 1.8.2 (alpha currently) for it to work. The release have been updated to reflect this. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Thanks! :relaxed:

Is there any way to disable code highlighting?

  1. I often use code converted to LUA from other languages, and there the highlighting goes crazy.
  2. When editing code on Windows, code highlighting often goes astray.

All this creates an unpleasant inconvenience.

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Actually, is the type checking actually working?

I expected to get an error or something on type mismatch, but using the example on the extension site I get results:

print( greeter.greet( { t  = 1 } ) ) -- >> DEBUG:SCRIPT: Hello, table: 0x01fb9251b5e0!
print( greeter.greet(1) ) -- >> DEBUG:SCRIPT: Hello, 1!

So it automatically casts to string, both in Build and in Bundle (windows)

If you are calling greeter.greet from a .script file then the calling code is Lua not Teal hence it’s not subject to type checks.

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Whaaat? :cry: How can we then call any Teal code from script so that it’s type-checked? I did as it is written in the teal extensions readme. No posibility? What’s the advantage then?

Yes, type checking happening only in tl files. But you can avoid using Lua using this trick:

  1. Create my.*_script
  2. Create my.lua (it works with Teal as well)
  3. in lua file:
local function init(self)

local function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)


local function on_input(self, action_id, action)

local function update(self, dt)

return function()
    _G.init = init
    _G.on_message = on_message
    _G.on_input = on_input
    _G.update = update
-- ...etc
  1. in script file: require(“my”)()

  2. Keep script file a one-liner + maybe some


Thank you!

What is this annotation? (In this project there is no Teal-extension, but there is Lua Language Server) It’s in Lua module:


Beside I can simply in this case initialize it with string.find() result, so in only one line, but sometimes I want the value to be set by default at first and the change it (here also I can change it to default after operations fail to initialize it in some cases).

I’m just curious how it is treated in dynamically typed Lua.