Defold 1.6.4 Beta

extension-imgui no longer builds (on Mac M1). Probably related to the GLFW change? Errors include:

	Line 35: unknown type name 'GLuint'; did you mean 'uint'?
    GLuint             tid;
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Seems like the code doesnā€™t include the gl headers, yes.

Please report this in the extension repo!

Iā€™m looking into it!

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Solved. The extension is now setting up OpenGL the same way on Win, Linux and macOS and it seems to be working both in 1.6.3 and 1.6.4-beta


Should this one be marked as a breaking change? The default is now to return nil whereas previously it returned the userdata json.null

I believe that we accidentally broke it last time we updated it, and now we went back to the earlier behavior. @britzl can you confirm?

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Correct. The old behaviour for json.decode() was to use Lua nil when a JSON null was encountered. With the update to our JSON parser we accidentally changed this behaviour so that json.decode() used a json.null userdata instead. In this release we reverted back to the old behaviour.

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Iā€™m possibly confused about timeframes then. Was the JSON parser accidentally broken during the development of 1.6.4 and then fixed again?
I specifically had to make a change to code that was written against Defold 1.4.7, and working fine with 1.6.3, but broke with 1.6.4

Yes, we introduced the new (broken) behavior in 1.4.0


I get this error when close game.

ERROR:RESOURCE: Leaked resources:
ERROR:RESOURCE: Resource: /runtime_buffer_water_1.bufferc  ref count: 2
ERROR:RESOURCE: Resource: /def-mesh/buffers/buffer1.bufferc  ref count: 1

This buffers that i create in runtime.

	mesh.buffer_res = resource.create_buffer("/def-mesh/buffers/buffer" .. RES_BUFFER_IDX .. ".bufferc", { buffer = buf,
																										   transfer_ownership = true })

In 1.6.3 no errors.

You add errors? or it not leaked in 1.6.3?
I need to free resources that i created in runtime?

Hm, that shouldnā€™t happen no. We fixed an edge case issue with buffers in this release, but it shouldnā€™t have this side-effect. Would you be able to send me a snapshot of the project, or a small repro? Iā€™ll take a look

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i canā€™t make small repro(a lot of job in week) But i can add you at my current project where it reproduced.

I add you to github repository:

Create buffer for water:

Create buffer for mesh_binary:

This error show when i close game

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Perfect, thank you!

Just to be sure: Isnā€™t this something that the engine should take care of?

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Something seems to be broken in sprite flip using sprite.set_hflip function for sprites with sprite trim mode 4 vertices enabled in atlas.

The sprite is not flipped

The sprite is flipped (sprite.set_hflip("#sprite", true):

If sprite trim mode turn off then flip function works coorect.

Previosly tested in version 1.6.2 at it worked correctly in all cases.


Iā€™ll have a look this week!

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It became impossible/difficult to select a model by clicking in the editor. Probably something with boundbox detection. On the video within one object, but the same thing happens on a collection scene with a lot of objects. At the same time clicking into objects with sprites works as before.



How it works with scene collection in 1.6.2 (I can select a game object with models by click over them):

In 1.6.4 I canā€™t select a game object with models by click over them, but can select the game object with sprite inside them only:


Thanks! Iā€™ve pushed a fix for this to dev :slight_smile: Itā€™ll take a bit for it to be available


Tested. It works now, thanks!


Do you look on it?
I can try to make small repro case in weekends if you need it.

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