Defold 1.6.3 has been released

Another issue for the collection: an atlas that has multiple animations which use the same image IDs now throws an error when bundling but not when building and running from the editor.

I have no clue how the automated testing is set up for Defold, but I think it should include the tutorial and sample projects since those are expected to always work.


We definitely have to go back and look at this release and learn from the problems that have come up after the beta. While testing we rely on a number of different strategies:

We have unit tests on each commit (they obviously do not cover everything), we do manual tests and we automatically build 30 or so extensions (we should probably also include some samples projects). And we get help from the community during the two week beta (in this case the beta was even longer).

Despite all of the above we didn’t catch several critical issues. This is not good and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will learn from this.


For me personally I was too busy all that time to test the beta version (holidays, moving out, caught a cold, etc), I should’ve found time to try it and report my issues earlier. I’ll try better next time!

The texture sampler bug was fixed, thank you!


I have a PR coming up with a fix for this issue.
The unit test we had didn’t include this specific case, but I’ve added it now.

As for tutorials, it’s harder to test, since we don’t maintain a “finished state” of these.
If we did, it would be easier. We has a test repo with many extensions/examples in them, where we can add more as needed.


I think more people should be involved in beta testing. But I don’t really know how.

**I always use beta versions, and this version worked fine on our 2 quite large 3d projects. The mentioned above bug with materials didn’t appear at all.


In one of the chats, I saw a suggestion to show a notification in the editor that a new beta is available.
Maybe it would help a bit.

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I have PR for the Spine extension up now as well.


As for helping our more, I also think each extension could implement testing.
For our “test-sdk” suite, we only build the extensions for all platforms, but if there were tests available, we could run those as well.
That should help catch a great deal issues I believe. We should start implementing it in some of our own extensions, to get a feel for it so we can standardize it somewhat.


Thanks! There will be a new version of spine extension?

Thanks! :relaxed:

I discovered a problem with rendering slice 9 sprites. I have attached a project with an example. (45.1 KB)


Yes, there’s a bug fix released with version 2.14.1.


Thanks! It works for me!

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Some of my libs not build.

The build failed for the following reasons:
ERROR tests/test_joint_def.lua:39 '}' expected (to close '{' at line 3) near 'angularOffset'

ERROR main/box2d_scenes/dominos/dominos_scene.script:114 '}' expected (to close '{' at line 112) near 'position'
maxTorque = 0,
    linearOffset = vmath.vector3(0);
    angularOffset = 0;
    correctionFactor = 0;

The problem is ;
I think I forget replace some ; with , when port from c++ to lua.

Looks like using ; in table is valid for lua.

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Hmm, it does indeed look to be valid. I would not have guessed that semicolon is a valid table delimiter:

Lua 5.1.5  Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio
> local t = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d = 4 } print(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d)
1	2	3	4

We did a change to the Lua parser a while ago and I believe this is related.


We’ve done another update to the release with fixes for:

  • Fix for calculating size of sprite vertex buffer data
  • Workaround check if texture set doesn’t have any image name hashes
  • Fix for slice 9 sprites with rotated uvs
  • Fix for building atlasbuilder test main function
  • Fixed erroneous duplication errors on animation groups

(Engine version 37a4a8548850a7243055bb820e45580cfdae5f32)


I reported this issue on github. Wasn’t a big issue but an issue. I reported it just 4 days ago…wow that was a quick fix.

  • Workaround check if texture set doesn’t have any image name hashes
  • Sprite material batch fix
    Everything, fine in my project thanks

ERROR:RESOURCE: Empty resource path
printErr @ dmloader.js?1:528

Got this error without any trace in web build 1.6.3, on 1.6.2 was ok

Also have two different crashes while testing editor build
first one:
_crash (1).zip (4.7 KB)

for second got only screenshot of stacktrace

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