Defold 1.5.0 BETA

The disk space has been increased and the server is working again.

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Thanks very much!

Yes, it works! I saved the file via to “data/” and mounted it as “zip:/data/”.

And I can state that the new LiveUpdate API works much much more reliable than legacy API. That’s why I closed this issue.

So, very soon ResZip will be just an example of using LiveUpdate :star_struck:

P.S. It would be awesome to address this feature request -


Thanks for testing it! (and also closing an issue! :partying_face: )


I agree. We’ll start planning for an implementation.


Due to the breaking changes in this beta we have decided to extend the beta for another week. The release of 1.5.0 is planned for Monday the 21st of August.


A future improvement will be a way for developers to specify how liveupdate content is split into multiple archives when building. For now the excluded content is stored in a single archive and it is up to the developer to manually split the content into multiple archives.

Is there a guide anywhere on how to split up the files and to know what the content of the files are? For example I want to split up the zip files so that it only contains files necessary for a certain collection. How would I go about doing that?

No, we don’t have this right now, and it is a bit complicated. I have a pull request which will produce a resource graph when the project is built. The resource graph will help you map the hex digest file names in a live update archive to the files in your project:

i wanted to try Defold 1.5.0 beta and when i opened the project it took double the time to build the first time compared to 1.4.8

Build for which platform? You can get a build report including timings by checking the “Generate Build Report” option in the bundle dialog. Please do this using 1.4.8 and 1.5.0-beta and share the reports here.

not bundling just building to test the game but it was just a problem in my laptop i think sorry

Ah, I see. And are you seeing the same each time you open and build the project in 1.5.0? If you are using native extensions then these will be rebuilt the first time you open and build the project in a new version of Defold. This could explain the increased build time.

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oh that explain it i am using and ads sdk so it’s a native extension

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Lua code not compressed in 1.5.0 Beta

Sorry for the delay.
A new fix has been pushed to the beta and should arrive in an hour.


Thnaks. Compression worked.


Occasionally, building in editor (Mac, Apple Silicon) results in the game window briefly appearing, and this being printed to console. Running again works. This is using version b51f08bcdd5771e0a5ece807768422db0c760857

INFO:ENGINE: Loading data from:
WARNING:RESOURCE: No resource loaders mounted that could match uri

Edit: I just had a crash too. I see that extension-spine may be involved, I’ll try 2.11.2
crash_report.txt (200.3 KB)

This crash is related to the Spine extension. Please update it to at least 2.11.2 version

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Defold 1.5.0 has breaking behaviour of the go.get function for single properties.


local alpha = go.get("#sprite", "tint.w")
print("Defold", sys.get_engine_info().version, "=> type of value is ", type(alpha))


Defold	1.4.8	=> type of value is 	number

Defold	1.5.0	=> type of value is 	table
{ --[[000002ABDAAEF010]]
  1 = 1

So, it’s impossible to write code like that in 1.5.0:

local alpha = go.get("#sprite", "tint.w")
alpha = alpha / 2 -- `alpha` is a table in 1.5.0
go.set("#sprite", "tint.w", alpha)

It’s probably related to the constant array feature (somehow), but it is not supposed to be a breaking change: I’ll take a look