Defold 1.2.168 has been released

Defold 1.2.168


  • Issue-3739 - Added: Added option engine.run_while_iconified to control the engine state
  • Issue-4726 - Fixed: Crash when out of physics worlds
  • Issue-4745 - Fixed: Fixed issue when GetAdaptersAddresses got too small buffer
  • Issue-3185 - Fixed: Fixed game crash when running (DEF-3869)
  • Issue-4644 - Fixed: Fixed sys.exit() freeze on iOS
  • Issue-4736 - Fixed: Fixed normals when flipping collision shapes
  • Issue-3532 - Change: Open sys.open_url() result in a new tab on HTML5 (DEF-2472)

Issue-3532 Open sys.open_url() result in a new tab on HTML5 (DEF-2472)

It is now possible to set url target:

sys.open_url("", { target = "_blank" })


Issue-3739 Added option to let the engine run while iconified

It is now possible to let the engine run while the window is iconified. Check the “Run while iconified” checkbox in the Engine section of game.project.


Great job! :heart:

What was that issue?

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hello in engine does not show yet update is there? thanks

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same for me

If the client isn’t showing an update you can always download a clean update directly from

Looks like editor doesn’t think there is an update yet?

2020-04-27 13:23:11.372 13110 [Timer-0] INFO  editor.updater - {:line 283, :message "Checking for updates", :url ""}
2020-04-27 13:23:12.444 14182 [Timer-0] INFO  editor.updater - {:line 290, :message "No update found"}

{"sha1": "81d796e4e7bd90732fd41165e7f3a78533091561"}


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I downloaded 168 from It shows me “update available” button. I agreed. Then editor was downgraded to 167. Fascinating.

Something must have gone wrong when releasing. We’ll investigate tomorrow.

We’ve now published the correct editor version.
Sorry for the delay.


If you press update inside from project in editor. Does not download at all. And writes again update available. And if you press before enter to project at recent projects page. Downloads normal and after installs. Thanks