Cant see image in atlas file

in my project atlas file is full black. i downloaded defolds tutorial project bt same thing atlas and ground.collection is completely showing black , nothing else

i added image file… bt image is not showing… noting just black

Do you get the same black window when you open a collection? @sven, do we have any known issues on windows when it comes to the rendering of the scene editor?

Could you have a look if there is any output in the Error log tab?

Would you mind downloading GLview and check what OpenGL version you have? Check out these posts: Editor OpenGL Error (SOLVED)

actually defold works fine in windows 7… now im using windows 7 and there is no problem… that problem occur only in windows 10…

thanks… i change my windows from 10 to 7 only for this software… god bless defold team members…

You should not need to downgrade your OS, Defold has been verified to run on Win10 as well. :slight_smile: Maybe there was an issue with your graphics drivers on Windows 10 compared to 7?


For the record; i have seen this black screen issue under Win10 also.
I use Parallels on a Mac to run Windows10.
Since I mainly use the Defold Mac variant it’s not a real problem for me.

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When this has happened closing the file and then reopening it in the editor fixed it.