Bundle Android Application into location with same folder replaces all data (DEFEDIT-98)


I’ve bundled my project as Android Application. I’ve chosen Desktop as location. The thing was, I already had that folder (with the same name) on my Desktop with some graphical assets for the game. What happenend, that the bundler replaced all the content of that folder. All files are gone forever. I noticed this evening…

So I will go ahead a create these assets again. Please fix this or at least ask, if the user wants to replace all he content of that particullar folder.

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Ouch, yes, that’s actually quite bad. Can we make sure to add a check for this when bundling from the new editor @Erik_Angelin and @Ragnar_Svensson?

For me it was unfortunate, that I used the same name and location.

Thanks for reporting, and apologies for wiping your assets!
I’ve added a note about this for editor 2 (DEFEDIT-98).