App is translucent (SOLVED)

On Samsung Galaxy SIII (4.3) and Amazon Kindle Fire HD (4.0.4), my game can be seen through in places that aren’t covered by sprites. I haven’t personally seen it with devices other than these, and I’ve tested at least 10 popular devices, but I’ve heard that this happens on BlueStacks as well.

As a precaution, I switched to the default render script and the default Android manifest for the above screenshot.

I was using the camera clear color to do the sky (as I typically do for pixel art games.) If I do the sky with a large sprite instead, the problem is ameliorated.


This actually was caused by my Android manifest. I thought I had rebundled with the default manifest, but I guess not (cached?) I had Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen set on the DefoldActivity android:theme. Removing Translucent from the style fixed the problem. Strange that it didn’t show up on every device.

The reason that style was set was because I was trying to get rid of the navigation bar. I eventually found this thread about how what I actually want is called immersive mode (+1), but left the style in place since it seemed fine.

notabug :grin: