Ray cast from within a collision object

Hi – I was wondering if a ray cast initiated within a collision object will still return a response for that collision object?

i.e. if the object’s dimensions are 200 wide and 100 high, starting at 0,0 and the game object initiating the ray cast is at 50,10, should it get a response for the enclosing collision object?


I should clarify the length of the ray is 1000.

So from (50, 10,0) to (1050, 10, 0).

What seems to happen is that the containing object’s position is given as the result

position = vmath.vector3(50, 0, 0)

And when the from moves past 50, i.e. to 51, even though it is within the enclosing collision object, the ray doesn’t bounce back.

This thread seems to indicate similar issues:

I am trying to determine whether there is enough open space to perform an action, so as a workaround I can have the object determining this wait until it has moved completely past the obstruction before checking again.