Laggy camera

What’s wrong with this camera setup? I tested not having a transform parent (used for easy centering), tested bypassing message system. Shouldn’t the camera always center on the object? Instead you can see it goes a little ahead.

Self contained samples based on (27.0 KB) (27.5 KB)

Here is a more extreme example with click and drag accelerated scrolling to show how bad it gets !? Simple fix and I’m just doing something stupid I hope? (27.8 KB)

And less extreme with click and drag but it should still center?? (27.9 KB)

If you disable the camera you can see the object does move smoothly and isn’t jumping around like how it appears with the camera enabled.

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Ah, I see, yes, that sure looks weird, and I believe I’ve seen this in my own example as well. It’s caused by the use of a camera.script to send the view projection instead of a proper camera component. If you switch to a camera component and acquire camera focus the problem will go away. I did however find a solution that works when you use a script instead. If you do the view projection update after the update function instead of inside the update function of the camera.script you will get no jitter. Like this:


function update(self, dt)
	if self.enabled == 1 then"#", "update_camera")

function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
	if message_id == hash("enable") then
		self.enabled = 1
	elseif message_id == hash("disable") then
		self.enabled = 0
	elseif message_id == hash("update_camera") then
		local aspect_ratio = (self.auto_aspect_ratio == 1) and default_aspect_ratio or self.aspect_ratio 
		local projection = vmath.matrix4_perspective(self.fov, aspect_ratio, self.near_z, self.far_z)