Why can't I add game objects to instanced collections?

In editor v1 it’s impossible and even though it is possible in editor v2 it leads to a bug (which I reported on github). The specific problem I’m facing is the following:

I made a collection which displays an arm which can rotate. It looks like this:

This collection is instanced in the main collection. I now try to add a ball to the instance to make it rotate with the arm. Am I missing something?

In Editor 1 you can not create it as a child of a game object that you have already created.
You can only create game objects if you right click on the top most “Collection”, you will then have to move it into the game object you want to be its parent.

I’m aware of this. I created the game object as you described but I can’t drag and drop it into an instanced collection - it only works with game objects. Why is this? Is there any way to achieve the setup I described? Because I don’t see a way to make this setup work otherwise.
I can’t turn my collection into a game object (even though it would make more sense) because the only way to set a sprites pivot is to make it a child of a game object and you can’t add game objects to game objects… I hope you get what I try to say.

Ah I see what you are saying. Unfortunately it is impossible to parent a collection to a game object in the Editor, this feature request exist in the backlog (DEF-1843). As a workaround you will either have to change your structure or parent it in code.

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Ah okay if it’s possible in code that’s good enough for now. Thank you.

Yes, you can do this using the set_parent message.

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