Running fullscreen Defold game re-arranges desktop icons in Windows

As the title. When quitting a fullscreen Defold game in a lower resolution to the desktop, the Windows desktop icons are re-arranged on the left side of the screen. In my case, I like to have some icons on the right and they keep getting “auto arranged” over on the left. This happens with both running my test game from the editor and also with one of the “inspiration” games I downloaded.

Do other programs restore the icons after being run in low res? We don’t do much more than switching the res on the graphics device, so I would assume this is how Windows normally behave? I think I recall something similar from many years ago when I was on Windows, but I might be mistaken of course.

Yes you’re right - after some further research it seems a lot of people have this issue with Windows when using applications that change the screen resolution. So it’s likely nothing to do with Defold specifically - just another ‘feature’ of Windows.

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