What do you use for task tracking? Does make things easier or another timewaster?

Back when I was construction we used Primevera project management and it reduced paper and increased productivity.

As a 1 man band so to speak so looking for tricks you guys use that keeps you on track and makes your life easier.

Or if you have something that really made life hard your team Id like to know.

Ill be in hospital morrow and having chemo on monday so having good system setup before monday would be awesome as my brain usually goes mushy during chemo week. Its okay if on softalicious or website or dl’ble program.

Currently I have a really long google doc of tasks and deadlines.

We do simple todo lists on Dropbox Paper for the most part. We’ll fill docs with things we want to do and put them on checklists. Eventually we’ll make new fresh docs and start over, the most important issues tend to get fixed/done. It’s a bit chaotic but it works for us.


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hmmm not too much different than me.

I mostly use Google Keep checklists for my game dev stuff.

Professionally (not game dev), I just write stuff down in a notebook, or create tasks in Outlook that will nag me at deadlines I assign.

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Never heard of google keep. Hmm

I pretty much run my life with it. It’s simple, cloud-based notes. As an Android user for years, it’s been really nice to use. Guessing Apple has an equivalent if you’re an iPhone person.

I’ll use it to write down grocery lists before I go to the store, household TODOs, recipe links, game ideas, or whatever.

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I kinda do that with gmail-send my self notes

If we have a simple enough task list, we just tell each other what to do on Discord (lower overhead). If we’re in a particularly intense period or have many small things to keep track of, we use Github Issues to organise our tasks.

I say, use whatever works for you and your team.

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Since my project is on github, I use github projects to get a caban style board.
An example from the Defold repo:


I use Trello for task tracking and it’s pretty neat.


Trello for me too. Initially I thought such a system was useless but, using it, I changed my mind.

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I use Google Keep to capture quick links, notes and lists, and then move relevant captured info to Notion where I tend to manage and document my projects. I also use GitHub to track development related issues/tasks.

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