Unitquad wants texture (SOLVED)

Got a shader to work, but the unitquad wants a texture when I try it on HTML5 (Im using Pkeod’s https://github.com/subsoap/deffx)

It works on the loacal build (Ctrl + B) but gets this error when I try it on HTML5. How do I fix this?

Error in add HTML5 playable (has nothing to do with above):


@samuel.nystedt, is the second issue something you can investigate?

Regarding the add HTML5 playable “Something went wrong…”. Does it fail every time? How’s your internet connection? We’ve had problems on slow internet connections where builds has timed out.

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Fails every time. Error after just 1 sec… :frowning:

(With Ethernet and no devices connected it should be ~1000Mbit/s up and down)

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Ok, connection should not be the problem then. There’s a known issue where builds on the web site fails it the project uses Native Extensions, maybe that could be it?

As a workaround there’s the option to upload a zip with the build.


Yes, the material has 2 samplers set up. Those are used in the fragment shader.

What kind of error do you get?

I can confirm this. A mesh wants a default texture setup when building and running external. When building with bob we get the same thing (I also believe this applies on some more fields). We just set a texture on the quad even if we runtime is applying something else on it later on.

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You must specify a texture (build error in question)

Well, if you don’t specify a texture, the sampler has nothing to read from.

The thing is, when building from Defold there is nothing complaining. And we use our quad to to draw from a render_target. It’s more an inconsistency than a problem really.


Solved, the shader script was somehow wrong, and that resulted in the error :confused:

Got it working now