Unit Test with Defold when Build

Hi everyone.

@britzl I am using your example to test my code with DefTest and I have a question about the best way to use.

In example of DefTest the main script is test.script and because this all works well, but in real world project my main have responsibility to call my game, when I use the DefTest in my game it work but it close my game. Do know if have a way to test my game code automatic when Build? Or Some kind of shortcut to call my test class?

My logic is in lua modules and I am testing it.

Thanks for this repository it is very good and ease to use.

Thanks advance
Victor C Tavernari


There is no way to hook custom build steps into the in-editor build. However, the builder is available as a command line tool and you can hook it into a custom build process. See http://www.defold.com/manuals/bob/


Thanks! I will read more about this.