Spine rotation not handled like in Spine Editor (DEF-3062) (SOLVED)

Dec-15-2017 16-42-05

When keying rotation in Spine Editor. Spine chooses the closest rotation to lerp/tween between keys.
Eg. if key at 340° - 20° it will rotate 340 -> 360/0 -> 20.

In Defold keys 340° -> 20° will rotate backwards ( 340° -> 180° -> 20 ° ).

This will give the visual bug shown in the gif where the cogs should rotate smoothly in one direction all the time. Defold should at least in spine.play_animation respect the Spine Editor behaviour (without making it different in normal rotation property animations in go.animate or gui.animate)

Do you have a super simple repro case to share?

I setup a one-bone-scene, animated the rotation from 340° to 20° but it looked like it behaved as expected.

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gui_spine_rotation_bug.zip (9.0 KB)
So I dont think it 360 -> 0 anymore. I actually believe it’s that rotation at 90 that is heckling gui spine as well.
Check this one out. It works well the first rotation and then trying to go 180 -> 270 it just screws up.

This is the bug I’m talking about. DEF1636


Fixed in Defold 1.2.120

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